Cloud storage service description

Srihome cloud storage is a more flexible, secure, private and convenient paid storage service based on traditional storage methods. The cloud storage service only supports activity video storage: when cloud storage is enabled, motion detection videos (that is, videos of people or objects moving) generated by the device (network camera) can be uploaded to the cloud in real time through the network.

After activating the cloud storage service, you can remotely access cloud recordings anytime and anywhere, and download them according to your personal needs. It is simple, convenient, safe and fast. The following describes the relevant instructions for using cloud storage in detail.

(1) How to activate cloud storage?

Currently, it is supported to activate the cloud storage service of the device through the mobile APP, but it is not supported on the device side yet.

Open the entrance: Click the lower left corner of the corresponding device on the device list page, and click to enter the interface for activating the cloud storage service.

If the cloud storage entrance is not found, it means that the current device does not support the cloud storage function (you can try to update the device to the latest firmware, or contact customer service personnel for confirmation).

Service entrance

Service home page

Package selection

Note: If you use the cloud storage service for the first time, you can try the 7-day cloud storage monthly package for free.

(2) Cloud storage package types

Srihome cloud storage services mainly include the following package types, and you can choose a package according to actual needs. The specific packages are as follows:

cycle period

7 days

30 days

90 days

180 days

360 days

Order duration

30 days

60 days

180 days

360 days

Note: The ordering time cannot be longer than the cycle period

Note: If you use cloud storage service for the first time, you can try cloud storage for free for 7 days.

(3) Cloud storage package description

A cloud storage package can only be used on one bound device, and only the device administrator can activate it. Other users cannot use cloud storage.

Regarding the storage time of cloud recordings, take the 7-day cloud storage monthly package as an example: If you purchase a 30-day (7-day cycle) cloud storage package on January 1, 2024, and the previous package has expired, then the package will take effect immediately, 2024 Videos uploaded to the cloud on January 1, 2024 will be stored until January 8, 2024, and will be overwritten on January 1, 2024. Therefore, before January 8, 2024 (inclusive), you can view the recordings from the 1st to the 7th, before January 10th (inclusive), you can view the recordings from the 3rd to the 9th, and so on. By January 31, 2024, the cloud storage service will expire and new videos will no longer be uploaded. The expiry date for other packages is similar.

The cloud storage package is a virtual service product and will start timing once it takes effect. During the service period, if there are abnormal situations such as changing the administrator of the device, turning off the video upload service, or the device goes offline or stops working, the expiration time of the cloud storage package will remain unchanged. For example, if you activate a 30-day (7-day cycle) cloud storage monthly package on January 1, and the device is powered off for 2 days during use, the cloud storage service will still expire on January 31.

(4) Free trial package description

1. Each device has only one trial opportunity. The device administrator can open the trial package service for free on the cloud storage interface. The default trial package type is a 7-day recurring cloud storage monthly package and cannot be changed. If you need a cloud storage service with longer storage time, you must proactively purchase a more advanced package.

2. During the free trial period of the cloud storage package, if you pay to purchase the cloud storage package, the paid package will not take effect immediately by default. It will not take effect automatically until the free trial package service expires.

If you purchase a package during the free trial of cloud storage, the new package will automatically take effect after the trial package ends; if there is no available package when you purchase the package, the new package will take effect immediately after purchase; if you purchase multiple cloud storage packages, the purchase duration It can be stacked. For example, if you originally purchased a 180-day package and used it for 30 days, and then purchased a 360-day package, there will be 510 days left (360+150).

(5) How to check purchase history

Click "Orders" in the upper right corner of the cloud storage service homepage to view three orders: "Completed", "Pending Payment" and "Canceled".

(6) Does the cloud storage package support upgrades?

Srihome cloud storage packages support upgrades but do not support downgrades. The package billing method is accurate to the day. For example, the unit price of 7-day cycle storage is 0.3 yuan/day. If the remaining 30 days are equivalent to a balance of 9 yuan, you can directly purchase a 30-day cycle package and only need to pay the corresponding price difference.

(7) Cloud storage package transfer instructions

The package does not support transfer. If you encounter equipment failure, please contact technical support in time.

(8) Does cloud storage support unsubscription?

Cancellations and refunds are not supported. Please confirm whether you need to purchase cloud storage during the free trial. Once purchased, refunds are not possible.

(9) Cloud storage video description

1. The cloud storage service is an activity video storage. After activation, the motion detection video generated by the device (that is, the video of people or objects moving) can be uploaded to the cloud in real time through the network. Motion detection includes but is not limited to motion events caused by people moving, animals/flying insects/dust, etc. If the device is offline, the network connection is poor, or the bandwidth mentioned in the second point below is not reached, the video may be missed.

2. During the process of uploading the video to the cloud, the upstream bandwidth of the device network needs to be occupied, so the upstream bandwidth of a single device must be greater than 2Mb/s.

3. For devices that have enabled cloud storage, the videos stored in the cloud are independent of the videos stored in the device's local storage media (such as SD card, hard disk) and serve as a backup. Therefore, if the local storage medium of the device is damaged or stolen, the cloud can still query the valid recordings in the package.

4. After the device is reset and the connection is reconfigured, you must use the APP ID that originally purchased the cloud storage package service to become the administrator of the device (the first APP user to add the device), otherwise you will not be able to upload the video to the cloud, and you will not be able to View the cloud recordings uploaded during the validity period of the original package.

5. Abnormal behaviors such as device offline, power outage, device administrator being replaced, artificial termination of cloud video uploading, and insufficient uplink bandwidth of the network where the device is located may cause the device to interrupt communication with the cloud, causing the device to be unable to upload videos normally. .

(10) Can I stop uploading videos while using cloud storage?

Can. However, when the video upload service is turned off, the service validity period of the cloud storage package will not be extended.

(11) Can I view cloud storage recordings when the device is not online?

Can. When the cloud storage service is activated, the device uploads motion detection video files to the cloud server for storage in real time. When the device is not online, the mobile APP can still access the Internet to obtain the stored video files from the cloud for video playback.


(12) Playback, deletion and download of cloud storage video files

The mobile APP can view cloud storage recordings. When the cloud storage service is activated, the device automatically uploads motion detection recordings to the cloud. The mobile APP can obtain video files from the cloud server for playback, downloading and deletion operations.

Playback: Enter the cloud recording list and select the video file you want to play back.

Download: Enter the cloud recording list, you can select and download the cloud recording file,

Delete: You can delete cloud recording files on the APP. The deletion operation will be synchronized to the cloud server. Deleted cloud recording files cannot be recovered.

(13) Cloud storage package expiration reminder

Renewal reminders will be issued 7 days and 1 day before the cloud storage package is about to expire. You can play it back. To ensure that your cloud recordings are not deleted, please renew in time. If the package expires, the device will stop uploading new video files.

For a period of time just after the package expires, cloud storage will save the cloud recording files within the package period for you for free. The storage time of cloud recordings is related to the recording cycle of the package. After the package expires, the recordings that exceed the cycle will be gradually cleared. For example: your package is a 7-day cloud storage package. After the package expires, if you do not proceed If you renew, the cloud recordings of the 6th day before expiration will be cleared on the 1st day after expiration, the cloud recordings of the 5th day before expiration will be cleared on the 2nd day after expiration, and so on, until the 7th day after the package expires. , all cloud recording files will be cleared.

The above is the relevant introduction to the use of cloud storage services. If you have more questions, please contact our technical support at